Finding Destiny Page 2
Felicia paid no attention to Matty’s warning and massaged her hands over Myles’ chest to rouse him even more. It didn’t look like Myles was complaining either.
“What Selina doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Myles smirked, enjoying every last minute of it. He turned on his snowmobile and was the first one to take off. Felicia’s long, brown hair flew out behind her as they sped away.
“You ready for me, little lady?” Matty asked Destiny, catching the way she looked at Skylar.
“Mmm hmm,” she said, though it sounded half-hearted.
When Matty started up his machine, Skylar couldn’t hear what he was saying anymore, but he knew it wasn’t anything that would help his situation. Skylar couldn’t stand by while his brother flirted with this angel another minute. He got off of his machine, hauled off his helmet again and walked straight for them.
“Here,” he said, handing Destiny his helmet. “You’re going to need it.”
When she looked up at him, he was stunned to catch the striking blue of her eyes. And, though she clearly didn’t understand the significance of his gesture, she took the helmet anyways. As he walked back to his snowmobile, he tried to ignore the energy that had shimmered between them when her small gloved hand touched his. There was just something about that girl.
With one final glance at the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on, he revved up his machine and followed after Myles, with Destiny’s broken blonde friend plastered to his back.
Matty took a swig from his open beer, polishing off the bottle. After tossing it into a nearby snowbank, he turned back to Destiny. “Our cabin is close. You’d better hold on tight, sweetheart. I like to drive fast.” His smirk told Destiny that she had better get a grip.
It was then when Destiny realized what a sweetheart Skylar was. She had already thought it was pretty adorable when he offered her his helmet, but now that she realized it was to protect her from Matty’s maniac driving, she appreciated it that much more. She pulled on the helmet and was instantly flooded with the most sensual scent that had to be Skylar. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent like it was an erotic elixir, and linked her arms back around Matty’s waist.
When Matty took off, she let out a squeal and squeezed onto him a little tighter.
“That’s more like it,” he hollered back to her.
All of his comments seemed to be playful and had a lewd intention tacked onto them. For some reason that didn’t even bother her. Matty appeared to be the fun, edgy one in the bunch. He didn’t mind getting into a little trouble and it seemed like he did his best to do just that.
Destiny held on tight, as they flew past Skylar and sped alongside a deep, snow-covered ditch. Without warning, Matty dipped into the ditch and raced up the other side, nearly losing her off the back. He had done that before. Destiny knew Matty was only trying to show off. But when they were the first ones to slide up to the cabin, she couldn’t wipe the grin off her frozen face.
The ride was exhilarating and when Matty said he was going to drive fast, he wasn’t lying. He noticed her smile when she tore off Skylar’s helmet.
“You think that ride was fun, just imagine how much fun we could have in the bedroom.”
When he waggled his eyebrows, Destiny couldn’t help but giggle. He made her laugh, and he was a good-looking man, but it was Skylar who caught her eye the second he pulled up with Natalie in tote. His hair was all wayward and sprinkled with snowflakes, but it was sexy.
Natalie appeared to have a good, tight hold on him. Destiny wondered why that bothered her, as she shook out her long blonde hair behind her and propped Skylar’s helmet onto her hip. Destiny continued to watch Skylar, as he helped her friend to her feet. He looked like the boy next door, but he exuded a mysterious sex appeal. She wanted to call him your average nice guy, but those whisky colored eyes couldn’t be categorized with average.
She imagined what it would be like to run her fingers through that messy, brown hair and to see that smile appear on his face because of something she had done. She imagined what it would feel like to have those big hands smooth over any part of her body. She wondered why she found herself drooling over this man who she hadn’t even said a single word to.
Destiny tried to focus. She distinctly remembered her goal for this weekend, which excluded men and all of the outlandish antics associated with Valentine’s Day. And yet here she was mingling with three good looking guys she didn’t even know, with one striking her interest way beyond any of the men she had considered dating lately.
When Skylar stepped toward her, she noticed how his eyes slipped down her body and landed on his helmet braced firmly on her hip. She held her breath, thrilled by the sensual scrutiny, only to realize that she had a death-lock on his equipment. What an overreaction! The man just wanted his helmet back.
He looked up, and into her eyes, then reached out to her. She gasped, thinking he was going for her hand, but then he only slapped his visor down. “That might have helped you out a bit,” he said, with a wink. He scooped the helmet out of her hand. “Fun, right?”
Destiny nodded slowly, trying to pull herself back together. But that scent was making it difficult to breathe. And those eyes. “Thank you. For the helmet. For letting me borrow it, I mean.” She couldn’t even form a complete sentence, a suddenly shy smile gracing her lips.
Though her knees were weak, she managed to keep her feet steady. She was stunned and appalled by her body’s reaction to being close to this man, but those eyes… damn. Her breaths had quickened and she felt the way he made her heart thump like a bass drum. There was just something about this man that had her all scatterbrained.
She struggled with her conscience, trying to determine what was most important to her. He probably has a girlfriend. That thought alone gave her the answer she was looking for.
She had not been looking for a man. And she was most certainly not looking for this man, who drank beer, lazed around cabins and took off for weekends with the boys. He was probably an uneducated, unemployed bum, who still absorbed off his parents. But he seemed so nice (and sexy). And she couldn’t help but notice the way he looked at her. It sent tingles down her spine.
That man pulled off a nonchalant charm that managed to call out to every inch of her inner woman. She smiled at him, when she realized that he had caught her staring. Can you say awkward? She quickly turned her eyes away, being uncomfortable with how he made her feel with something as simple as a glance.
Then she set off for the front door of the quaint log cabin, carefully stepping in the large boot prints pressed deep into the snow by Matty. She let herself in the small front room, where Matty had already kicked off his snow boots.
“Ladies first,” Matty said, once she pulled off her own boots.
She reached for the door handle and twisted the cold knob. When she entered the cabin, heat washed over her, stinging her nose and cheeks. She was surprised when she had found the door unlocked, but after a quick survey of the room, she noted that they really had nothing much of value. She also recalled the fact that they hadn’t passed another human in hours, apart from the three of them, which might have had something to do with their lax habits.
Destiny unzipped her jacket and pulled off her hat, gloves and scarf. After hanging her things up on an old wooden coat rack, she quickly smoothed her hands over her hair to right herself. With another glance around the small room, she was relieved to find that the sparse furniture was at least clean.
The whole place was tidy, actually, and charming, but it lacked a woman’s touch. Though it looked plain, and country, it felt safe and it was quite warm inside.
Matty walked up next to her, with an arm-full of logs, having already ridden himself of his snow clothes. “Have a seat. Stay a while.”
As if there was anywhere else for her to go.
She watched Matty toss a couple of logs onto the floor, then he carefully added the others to the fireplace. She felt her l
egs start to prickle, from the extended bout of walking in the snow. Deciding to take Matty up on his offer, she started toward the limited seating. But before she could settle down onto the sofa, she realized that Skylar had already torn off his boots, peeled off his snowsuit, and took a seat right where she was heading.
Her heart began to patter erratically in her chest, when she saw that he was a lot better built than he had appeared in his snow gear. Without showing him how much that attracted her, she casually took a seat next to him, took a deep breath, and exhaled. She really wanted to have a peek at him, but she knew she shouldn’t when he was sitting that close to her.
Defying her own promise to herself, she stole another glance. That’s when Skylar smiled at her. And oh, that smile was going to stick with her for a while.
Turning away, she closed her eyes, afraid that she might say something she wanted to if she continued to watch the rise and fall of Skylar’s massive chest. She had seen how his neck was decorated with an ornate tattoo that seemed to crawl out of his shirt like a navy-blue daddy long leg wrapping around his neck. How had she not noticed that before?
She desperately wanted to know what other weapons he had hiding beneath that shirt. But then Natalie stumbled into the room, with little help from Felicia and Myles, and it reminded her that they weren’t alone. Then another woman stomped into the room behind them, and she knew from the look on the girl’s face, that silence was a thing of the past.
“Valentine’s Day is only two days away, and you’re out here cruising around with these floozies?” she screeched at Myles, waving at Felicia. “I thought you said there would be no women out here.”
“Selina, baby, give me a break. Their friend was hurt and their vehicle broke down. I don’t even know the girl’s name,” Myles drawled. When he wrapped his arms around Selina’s shoulders, she shrugged them off.
“I’m out of here. And if you’re not in the car in the next two minutes, I’m leaving without you.” Selina was back outside in a matter of seconds, while Myles shook his head, looking defeated.
Felicia narrowed her eyes at him and flipped her long hair before going to see Natalie, who had now flopped herself into the chair across from Skylar.
Myles raced off into one of the rooms and returned with a single bag. “Sorry, guys. But I’ve got to keep my woman happy. See you guys later.” And with that he spun away and hurried outside after his girl.
After Matty stoked the fire, he took a seat on the arm of the chair next to Natalie.
“Didn’t remember my name? Hah!” Felicia snapped, with her arms folded under her large breasts, propping them up even higher.
Matty turned on his charm, full force. “He was only kissing Selina’s ass, doll. No one would forget your name.”
Felicia smiled, lapping up all that attention. “I like this one.” She walked up behind him, drew her hands over his shoulders and smoothed them over his chest.
Matty flashed a glance over his shoulder, ignoring how awkward Natalie appeared with the two of them molesting each other next to her. “I see the master suite has just opened up. I guess that would make it mine now.”
Matty broke away from Felicia’s arms and stepped into the small open kitchen. He rounded the old dining table and headed for the fridge. After grabbing a couple of beers, Matty returned to Felicia and held one out to her.
“What do you say, doll? Want to come check out my new room?”
His question was far from classy and lucky for him Felicia was a slut. She jumped up into his arms, nearly taking out his teeth when she latched onto his face.
Destiny covered her eyes with a hand to hide from her embarrassment. When she glanced out the side of her fingers, she caught another smile from Skylar. He didn’t look even a slight bit uncomfortable in the situation. That had her heart thundering again.
Felicia and Matty had already disappeared from the room and the door had not surprisingly closed behind them. Destiny hadn’t expected Matty to stuff his head back out the door, but he did and it stole everyone’s attention from the momentary silence.
“Hey, Destiny. You’re sure you don’t want to join us?” His indecency did not surprise her, but his erotic smile did. It looked just like his brother’s.
Destiny smirked at him, but she wasn’t into that kind of thing. “I’m good, thanks.
Matty tilted his head, as if he were giving her one last chance. “No? Suit yourself.”
The door slammed closed again, leaving the main room in the cabin very quiet. When the bed started squeaking, a few moments later, Natalie cleared her throat and massaged her swollen ankle.
“I hope it’s not broken.”
Destiny really didn’t believe there was anything wrong with the girl, since she pulled stunts like this all the time for attention, but she went along with it anyway. “Maybe we should call for help. Do you mind if I use your phone?” Destiny stood in an instant and yet Skylar’s casual demeanor never changed.
“Whoa, whoa,” Natalie piped up. “Slow down. We just got here. Can’t I at least unthaw my ass before we go taking off again?”
Skylar didn’t even bat a single one of those brilliant eyelashes. “The phone’s right over there. You’re welcome to call whoever you’d like. Maybe your boyfriend can come pick you up after the accident has cleared.”
Natalie started to snicker. “Yeah, right. Her boyfriend.”
“Natalie!” Destiny snapped.
“What? I’m just saying, you would have to be dating in order to have a boyfriend.”
Why had Natalie insisted on sharing her less than admirable dating history with this handsome stranger? “I date.”
“Mmm hmm. If once a year is considered dating.”
Frustrated with Natalie’s ignorance, Destiny scowled at her and then reached for the phone. She was one to talk. Natalie hadn’t even looked at another man since her husband died, and that was over a year ago now. “I’m making the call.” When Destiny lifted the receiver to her ear, she closed her eyes and blew out a long, loud breath. The line was dead.
“Stop, Destiny. We can go soon. We don’t need someone to come and save us. I’m sure one of these guys can take us back to the truck and fix it right up. Right, Skylar?”
Destiny held up the receiver and gave it a shake, as if it might knock some power into the line. “The phone’s dead. We’re not calling anyone.”
“You really shouldn’t worry about it,” Skylar explained. “This happens out here all the time. One car accident is all it takes to cut our service. I’d bet it’ll be back on before night falls.”
Natalie didn’t looked real pleased about the idea of being stuck out there past dark. “My truck’s sitting on the side of the road. I really don’t want to wait for a snow plow to slam into it.”
Skylar chuckled, and it was so sexy. “You know, Matty can give you a hand as soon as he’s done playing around with your friend. He’s a mechanic, when he’s not seducing the ladies. As for the snow plow, there won’t be any of that down this road. You might see the occasional tractor, but you aren’t going to see any plows coming through here.”
“Well, that’s a relief. Now if I could only get something for this ankle. Do you have a hot pack or something?”
Skylar got to his feet and drifted to the kitchen. After rummaging around the freezer, he returned with a bag of peas and a dish cloth. “I’m sorry to tell you, but heat’s not going to do it for you. This should help though.” He wrapped the frozen bag of vegetables with the towel, elevated Natalie’s foot with a massive hand and gently wrapped the peas around her ankle. Then he motioned for her to lean back, yanked the chair forward, and swung her legs to the side, until her heel was propped up on the arm of the couch.
“How’s that?”
The look in her eyes told Destiny that Natalie had become too preoccupied by his stunning physique to recognize his tenderness. No doubt Natalie was imagining what it would feel like to be pinned beneath all that sinewy muscle, just like she had been.r />
“How do you know this?” Natalie asked, acting like it was rocket science.
“It’s what I do.”
He was so confident, with that sexy voice, that it had her secretly swooning. Destiny could only hope that Natalie would keep him talking.
“You’re a physiotherapist?”
Skylar laughed and that sexy voice rumbled right through Destiny’s chest. “EMS, actually.”
Why did she find that so incredibly sexy? Everything about Skylar was irresistible.
“So, what brings you ladies out here?” Skylar hoped to spark some conversation, to avoid the awkward bang of his brother’s headboard on the wall.
Natalie raised her eyebrows and began to answer him, but it wasn’t her he cared to hear from. While Natalie babbled on about their pre-planned holiday, he watched Destiny fidget. She was so uncomfortable with his brother’s sexual confidence. It was sweet. What was he saying? He wanted to bang her equally as hard.
When Destiny brushed her bangs aside, it gave him a real good look at her face. She was a beauty; that was for sure. Her narrow upturned nose matched her personality, but those full pouting lips turned his thoughts upside down. Her look was wholly angelic, and yet he found himself fantasizing about what she could do with those lips and how badly he’d like to grip onto those hips and give it to her.
“What about you?” Natalie asked.
He had no idea what she had been blathering on about. “I’m sorry?” he asked, having no shame for his ignorance.
Natalie flashed a look at Destiny, proving she was annoyed, but she still repeated her question. “What are you guys doing out here?”
“We came out here to get away for the weekend. Me and Matty have been coming up here since we were kids. When my grandfather passed last year, he left this place to us.” Shit. Why did he drop that personal information? He doubted either of them even cared.
“This place is yours?”
Natalie seemed impressed that he had assets to back up his good looks, but was oblivious to his loss. He’d always preferred to keep that bottled up anyway. No one could ever understand how close he was to his grandfather. Not even his family could understand. But Randy had raised him like he was his own son, and Skylar had respected him like he was his real father.