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Finding Destiny Page 6

  “How about those muffins?” he said, breaking the moment and sending her into a fit of laughter.

  He had to do something. They had spent the better part of the day in the bedroom and he didn’t want her to starve. “I didn’t realize I was that funny,” he added, raising a brow.

  That only made Destiny laugh harder. She dropped her hand gently on his chest and suddenly food was the last thing on his mind. He knew she had felt him stirring beneath the covers.

  “I wasn’t really that hungry anyway.” She rolled on top of him, sprawled over his hips and spread her fingers out over his chest. It knocked the blankets down around her waist, and left the rest of her body beautifully naked.

  His hand instantly covered a flawless breast and massaged over the sharp peak of her nipple. She closed her eyes and rolled her head back, dragging her long, blonde hair down to the small of her back. Within seconds she had those small hands discovering the rest of his body, and even though every time she rubbed herself on him, he groaned, it didn’t stop her from doing it again. The friction became so silky and warm that he just had to sink back inside of her.

  “Why don’t you grab another condom, love?”

  But his request had fallen on deaf ears. He needed her to listen to him, but instead she just pulled aside those soft, wet panties and kept on sliding back and forth on him. He was very tempted to slip inside of her, but he had learned his lesson in the shower.

  Destiny continued to molest him and moved on him with excruciating precision. When she leaned forward, and flanked her hands over each of his shoulders, she waited for him to open his eyes, then she smiled as though she knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her. She started to press the head of his cock inside of her.

  What terrified him most was that he wanted to grab onto those hips and pummel into her. Much deeper in his psyche, entirely separate from his basic primal instincts, he admitted that he wanted to keep her rocking on top of him, until he filled her with everything he had.

  He managed to keep his cool, while he let her play, her eyes a naughty, yet angelic delight. She eased him a little farther, and watched him, her eyes flaring with excitement. A feisty smile was plastered across her beautiful face, making the moment that much more gratifying. He groaned, not able to take much more of it. She was messing with his head and she didn’t even know it. Or maybe she did.

  He had always followed the three simple rules that the men in the Knight family had never strayed from.

  1. Always use protection.

  2. Never let them get too close.

  And 3. Always take what you came for and hit the road, unless you plan to take her home to momma.

  He was an all or nothing kind of guy, and it had always worked out for him in the past. He took what he wanted, when he wanted, and never looked back. He hadn’t ever felt the need to take his casual relationships to the next level, and he had never made an emotional connection with another woman. Until Destiny.

  He had always followed those rules. And Destiny had him breaking every last one of them.

  Destiny had never felt control quite like the moment when Skylar’s bare skin eased inside of her. She knew she should stop. He had suggested she grab a condom, and she knew that it would have been the right thing to do, but it felt so good and she didn’t want that pleasure to stop.

  After his first suggestion, Skylar hadn’t made another peep and so she took that as her green light to have a little fun. Skylar was obviously as titillated as she was. She could tell from the fact that his cock was as fat as a sausage. She knew he had been turned on when he pinned her to the bed earlier in the morning. But with her riding him the way she was, it was clear he fucking loved it.

  She continued to twist and thrust her hips, winding herself up like a toy, until Skylar grabbed onto her thighs to help her pick up the pace. Destiny tried to make eye contact with him, but his eyes remained firmly shut. Her hands found their way to her breasts, and she started to massage them as her voice shared how excited she was.

  Then someone knocked on the door and she meant to stop, but Skylar continued to move her on top of him at a magnificent speed. On another knock, Skylar’s eyes pierced her with a want so strong that she came undone in his hands.

  “Hello. Anybody in there?” Matty hollered, impatiently.

  “Yes!” Destiny screeched, unable to stop the storm of emotions screaming at her as she found her sweet release.

  It was seconds later when she realized what she had done. As her insides continued to grip onto Skylar, she wondered if he too had finished inside of her. Destiny stared into Skylar’s eyes, as if she were expectant of an answer. His satisfied smile suggested that he had, but the fact that he was still as stiff as a board, even while her body contracted around him, told her that he hadn’t.

  Had he really found that much satisfaction in pleasing her?

  “Okay, so are you going to open the door or do I have to break it down?” Matty asked, suggesting that he would.

  Without breaking their bond, Skylar sat up, hooked his hand behind Destiny’s neck and pulled her down for an earth shattering kiss that sent all the blood rushing right back to their connection. “Don’t think I’m done with you yet.”

  And that promise had her insides clenching around him again. Skylar slid to the edge of the small bed, and stood up with her still in his arms.

  “Why don’t you cover that perfect little package up and I’ll get the door?”

  He lifted her off of him and set her feet back down onto the floor. She quickly climbed back in the bed and covered herself up, as Skylar walked to the door completely naked, giving her a perfect view of that muscular ass.

  Skylar glanced back over his shoulder to make sure Destiny was ready and she smiled at him as she tugged the blankets to her chin. When he pulled the door wide, her eyes popped open, almost as large at Matty’s when he saw Skylar’s stunning erection.

  “Make it quick. As you can see, we’re a little busy,” he mocked.

  “Um, yeah. Okay. You think you could put some clothes on?”

  “Talk,” Skylar demanded, without moving.

  Matty must have believed that Skylar would not budge, because he started explaining himself right away. “I’m going to go have a look at Natalie’s truck, and I’m taking Felicia with me. She wants to spend the night at the spa again and I can’t blame the girl.”

  Skylar squinted at him. “It’s late, why don’t you just spend the night here?”

  “And listen to you two all night? I don’t think so. No offence, Dee,” he said, peering around Skylar to make eye contact with Destiny.

  “None taken.” She couldn’t help but smile at him. Boy, how the tables had turned. “I hope you’re enjoying my room.”

  “You know I am, sweetheart.”

  “The point,” Skylar stated, making sure Matty got to it.

  “I thought I’d see if I could get the ladies’ truck going long enough to at least get it off the road. Maybe park it out here, if we’re lucky. If not, I’ll see if I can’t fix it out there. Worst case scenario would be to get a tow to town. We’ll get her fixed up one way or another. Then these ladies can get on their way.”

  Destiny wondered if that statement had given Skylar a knot in his stomach as big as the one now tightening in hers.

  “Alright. We’ll talk later then.” Skylar’s voice has soothed significantly, telling her that he recognized too that their time together was diminishing.

  Matty winked at Destiny and saluted her. It looked like Skylar was gearing back up to wring his neck, but Matty proceeded to slap him on the back, ignoring the fact that Skylar was standing there completely nude. “I’m proud of you, brother,” he said, nodding his head. “Can I get you anything while I’m out?”

  Skylar glanced back at Destiny and hooked her with those intense eyes. “No. I think I have everything I need right here.”

  Skylar’s words had melted Destiny’s resolve. She felt her heart unraveling before his very ey
es, and she was sure he could see that. She tried to check herself, but it was too late. There would be no recuperating from this weekend, without this man in her life after it.

  Destiny really had issues. Not only did she not know where this man lived, but her life suddenly felt like it was in shambles, when the only thing that had changed was him. And suddenly he seemed like the only thing that mattered.

  When the door closed, emotions suffocated her and Skylar seared her with a glance. He made it difficult to concentrate on trivial things, when he looked like that, his fierce erection slowly easing away her worry.

  Skylar crawled next to her on the bed and brushed a lock of hair from her eyes. “What’s wrong, love? Did I do something to upset you?”

  He could tell that he had, but she couldn’t manage to find the words to express herself. She shook her head no and attacked him with a kiss so passionate that she wondered where it had come from. And then Skylar came back with a slow, wet tongue that was equally as passionate.

  “I can’t fix it, if I don’t know what’s broken.” Skylar smirked and Destiny stole another kiss.

  She dropped her chin and stared at her twiddling thumbs. “I just don’t want you to think I’m some crazy stalker or something. But I’m curious to know where you live and whether you would ever consider continuing our relations after this weekend.”

  Skylar’s smile grew, but she couldn’t be sure why. Yes, she wanted more of that. No woman in her right mind wouldn’t. But lust wasn’t her only selfish reason.

  “Our relations? As in, you want to continue to have sex with me?”

  He was going to make her spell it out for him. But was that all he wanted from her? She worried that it was true.

  Though their time spent together had been short on the grand scale of things, she had felt a connection with Skylar unlike anything she had experienced in all her days. The sex was smoking hot and Skylar clearly had a good head on those broad shoulders. She only hoped that she wasn’t the only one looking for something more.

  Destiny smiled back. “Yes, sex would be part and parcel. But I actually meant I’d like to see you again. Like on a date.”

  Skylar nodded, but his response didn’t look promising. “Strings.”

  “Pardon me?” Had Destiny just heard him correctly? Destiny closed her eyes and prayed that he wasn’t the player she had expected a man with his impressive stature and skill would be.

  “You’re looking to tie me down.”

  “In the bedroom? Maybe. But that was hardly a marriage proposal.”

  Skylar chuckled, and she knew that rumble would haunt her for a long while after that. “First you need to see if my check book is up to your standards.”

  Destiny shook her head no, fiercely, and shuffled away from him. “I’m sorry if that’s what you think I’m doing here, but this wasn’t something I planned.”

  Skylar’s hand rested on hers and he pinned her with his whiskey eyes. “If not for that, then why?” He didn’t wait for her answer, and she was thanking the gods for that. “Women have played me like that to this point in my life. You’re telling me my luck has magically turned itself around?”

  Destiny wasn’t impressed with what he was accusing her of, but she also saw the sadness in his eyes. He wouldn’t even give himself a chance at happiness, and she would call him out on it if she had to. What did she have to say to get this through his suddenly thick skull?

  “You say you’re financially secure. Good for you. That’s not really my concern at this point. I thought we might sort through the less finer points first.”

  “On a date.”


  Skylar propped an eyebrow up and his smile returned. “Wouldn’t you say we’ve kind of bypassed that stage already?”

  She tried to act like that smile hadn’t just wet her non-existent panties. “I don’t know. It’s hard for me to judge whether we have anything at all, when you act like that. I’d say at least there’s good sexual chemistry. It’s a start.”

  “Ouch!” He grabbed at his chest dramatically. “I’m a good lover. I was hoping that you would have said I was amazing, or at least great. But good? I’m surprised you would even want to start something with me, when you think I’m a B grade lover.”

  Had he just called himself her lover? Oh, she loved the sound of that. But she was perplexed by Skylar’s ability to run around the topic without answering the question.

  “If you’re not interested in me, all you had to do is say so.” And she managed to say that without a grain of emotion. How she did it was beyond her. Her heart ached at the very thought of never seeing this man again, even if he was being a total ass right now.

  “Destiny. Obviously I’m interested in you.” He glanced at his arousal, still lifted from his body even while they argued. “I’m sorry to tell you, but the sex is… let’s just say it’s overwhelming to feel something that phenomenal.”

  A glimmer of hope bloomed in her belly, as Skylar’s hand reached for her face, but she wouldn’t be letting him off the hook that easily. Though his thickness was a turn on, she wasn’t about to continue their sex-filled weekend if he really intended nothing more to come of it.

  She backed away again. “The sex is better than my wildest fantasies, okay? But this run around is really irritating. Either you like me and you want to see me again, or you don’t.”

  Frustrated beyond comparison, Destiny turned away from him and stuffed her head into the pillow at the head of the bed. She refused to release a tear, but they were congregating in her eyes just waiting for him to say an asshole comment.

  “I like you and I want to see you again.”

  Skylar had sat there for a long time, just staring at her. But she couldn’t speak. Those few words he had spoken had made her so very happy that she wanted to run around the yard naked and shout it from the snow-covered rooftops. But there was no way in hell that she would let him know that.

  “Thank you,” she said, at last. And a vulgar sass still soaked her words. Was that really that hard to say?

  Skylar took that as his opportunity to wrap himself around her. He buried his nose in her hair and she gladly accepted the warm press of his lips on her neck. She really loved the feel of his hard body shaping around hers, but she couldn’t ignore the sharp press against her behind.

  Unable to deny that she wanted him again, when he leaned over her, she kissed him. She knew he could have been playing on her weaknesses, with no real intention of ever seeing her again, but she really didn’t care. In this moment, she would only feel with her senses. And if they were any indication of love, then her heart would be full this Valentine’s Day.


  Skylar awoke with a jolt, startling Destiny awake.

  “What is it?” she asked, realizing that something was wrong.

  “It’s nothing.” Skylar tried to relax and pulled Destiny back onto his chest, but that feeling in the pit of his stomach didn’t go away and he couldn’t seem to ease the tension in his bulky muscles.

  He looked around his room and saw nothing out of place. Then he listened carefully. Nothing. He flashed a glance at the clock that sat on top of the small night stand. As he suspected, Matty should have been back by now. He was an early riser, regardless of what time in the morning he called it a night; that is if he even called it a night. Skylar leaned over and pulled his phone from his pants pocket, then dropped it back onto the floor.

  Skylar started to stroke Destiny’s hair, in a sad attempt to soothe his own nerves. He was having a hard time admitting it, even to himself, that something might be wrong. Destiny had demanded that he be straight with her, but it was difficult when he couldn’t even be straight with himself.

  “What’s wrong?” She seemed to be focused on his unease, now that it had settled into his bones. And when she smoothed her hand across his chest, as if she knew exactly what he needed from her, it lightened his anxiety ever so slightly.

  “Matty should have been back
already. He’s not one to sleep in after one of his sexcapades.” Skylar knew saying that would only lead Destiny to think about their own sexual adventure over the past 24 hours. The last thing he wanted was for her to think of him as a man whore, but he didn’t have the heart to lie to her. “I’m worried.”

  “Maybe they were up late and slept in.”

  She seemed convinced, but Skylar knew Matty better than that. He was a Knight through and through. He never slept in with a woman. “No.”

  Taking immediate action, Destiny whipped open the blankets and covered her glorious rear-end with a pair of jeans. “Let’s go then.”

  He was surprised that she hadn’t questioned him any further and he appreciated how much she trusted him. He hoped he was wrong, but his gut rarely lied, and he didn’t feel good about this. He didn’t know what he was looking for, but he wouldn’t be able to rest a wink with that feeling gnawing at his insides.

  Skylar rolled out of the bed and pulled on his clothes, as Destiny pulled on her boots. He realized then that she didn’t have any suitable snow clothes for the weather out here, and there was no saying how far their ride would take them.

  “I drove up with Matty. We’re going to have to take the snowmobile. Are you good with that?”

  When she nodded, he held Matty’s snowmobile suit out to her and dropped some gloves at her feet.

  “Are you sure he won’t mind?”

  Skylar carried both of the helmets to the front door and rested them on the floor. “If he does, he’ll get over it.”

  Without a word, Destiny zipped the suit up to her chin and snapped the neck together over her precious white accessories. It draped off her slim body like an oversized curtain, but he still thought she looked adorable in it.

  “You look hot,” he joked, trying to get a rise out of her. And even though he was only teasing, he really loved the way she looked in his clothes.

  She shoved at him, and he took advantage of her closeness, by stealing a small kiss. They had made love last night again, after discussing the fate of their relationship, and it was unlike all the sex they had enjoyed before that. A barrier had been lowered and it was like they had opened up to each other in a way that had let them feel as one.